Update Quebec worldwide wages

Worldwide Wages are the grand total of wages paid to all employees worldwide that are associated with this business as defined by Revenu Québec. This includes vacation pay, tips, and taxable benefits. Worldwide wages include all payrolls paid by the employer via Dayforce or any other input methods.

Each year, customers with employees in Quebec must enter the Worldwide Wage amount for the previous year to all payrolls they process to ensure the correct QHSF (Quebec Health Service Fund) rate is applied.

Note: If this is not entered, a value of zero is automatically recorded when the Pay Period 1 payroll is submitted and the QHSF will calculate at the highest rate until an update is provided.

If a change to the Worldwide Wages is required after Pay Period 1 has processed, contact your Customer Support Team.


This page only displays for payrolls where Quebec Medical is ‘Applicable’ and the Quebec Medical category is not ‘Exempt’.


Enter Worldwide Wages